Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Advocare's impact.

I am absolutely astonished how one thing has changed my life so much.  I have mistreated my body for so long, cakes, cokes, junk junk junk.  Not anymore.  Just by giving  myself 24 days, I feel so much better, my skin is better, Im shrinking and my thought are clear.  Thank you Advocare ! No more junk !  I am posting these somewhat embarrassing pics so you guys can see the real change.  Of course I knew that change was happening almost immediately because of how great I started to feel, but pictures are worth a thousands words.  I am not poking my belly out or sucking it in.  This is me, taken at the "butt crack" of dawn each time, hence the not so happy look on my face.  Needless to say I am very happy with the changes I have seen in 24 days.  Imagine what you can do in 24.  If you would like information please let me know. Now on to more progress...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Stranger in the Mirror

I won't go into too much detail but we all know that when you get undressed to get into the shower, you know what you look like nakeed (yes, I spelled it exactly how I say it).  So, I noticed something today; something is missing. The intertube that surrounds my stomach seems to be deflating.   My belly looks flatter.  I thought oh, this must be a mistake.  So I checked the mirror because they say the mirror adds weight.  Nope, it was in fact flatter.  My skin is clearer, stomach flatter, and there is a giant smile on my face.  I am loving this Advocare challenge. Today is day 8 for me, 2 more days of the cleanse phase.  I am not sure how the measurements will go but I am looking forward to day 11 for sure !!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Baby Steps !

So I have waited a few days to post.  I just completed day 5 of Advocare 24-Day Challenge and I am feeling great.  Now on the challenge the first 10 days is the "cleanse" phase.  Boy, that sure did scare me when I first heard it.  Really, so far it's not bad at all.  The worse part was the fiber drink that you have to take on the first 3 days.  But Mama always said I was a quick learner. Day 1, I took a sip of the Fiber drink, wasn't that good at all.  So I mixed just about 2 oz of orange juice.  Whew !   Much better.

I will say the best motivation came when I took before pictures and looked at them.  Oh dear Jesus ! I am honestly thinking maybe I should blow them up like poster size and put them on my wall so that I have to see them every morning when I wake up.  I honestly can't imagine any better motivation.

I really haven't felt hungry, and I haven't been bored with eating yet. I contribute this to my keen sense of knowing how to cook. lol.  I am all about trying something new but I have discovered something amazing, ready.... real food, yeah it taste great.  Come to find out you do not have to drown everything in ranch dressing!  Who would have thought ?

Well I am looking forward to the next 5 days so I can complete my measurements and give you guys an update.  The part I am not looking that forward to is that I have to drink that darn fiber drink on days 8-10... guess I will make sure that we have orange juice in the fridge.  Bye y'all !

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Here it Goes ! Day 1

Today is the first day of my 24-day Advocare challenge so of course not much to report.

I have so far, started drinking water and consumed my fiber drink.  I had previously read on many sites that this is by far the worst part of the challenge so anticipating an unflavorable taste I mixed just a small amount of orange juice in the glass with the fiber drink and then chugged it, not bad at all actually. 

Since today is Sunday I am also in the process of meal planning for the week.  I have a gallon zip lock bag for each day and I am writing the menu for every day directly on the bag, I think this will help me stick to my plan.

Side note, in doing the 24-day challenge I am taking pictures during the process so that I can see the transformation.  I am not posting these until the very end.  Honestly because as my photographer ( my wonderful husband Tony) took the pictures I of course had to peak, oh good LAWD ! Have I let myself go.  This is my motivation.  I am ready for this change! BRING IT ON!