Thursday, January 9, 2014

Baby Steps !

So I have waited a few days to post.  I just completed day 5 of Advocare 24-Day Challenge and I am feeling great.  Now on the challenge the first 10 days is the "cleanse" phase.  Boy, that sure did scare me when I first heard it.  Really, so far it's not bad at all.  The worse part was the fiber drink that you have to take on the first 3 days.  But Mama always said I was a quick learner. Day 1, I took a sip of the Fiber drink, wasn't that good at all.  So I mixed just about 2 oz of orange juice.  Whew !   Much better.

I will say the best motivation came when I took before pictures and looked at them.  Oh dear Jesus ! I am honestly thinking maybe I should blow them up like poster size and put them on my wall so that I have to see them every morning when I wake up.  I honestly can't imagine any better motivation.

I really haven't felt hungry, and I haven't been bored with eating yet. I contribute this to my keen sense of knowing how to cook. lol.  I am all about trying something new but I have discovered something amazing, ready.... real food, yeah it taste great.  Come to find out you do not have to drown everything in ranch dressing!  Who would have thought ?

Well I am looking forward to the next 5 days so I can complete my measurements and give you guys an update.  The part I am not looking that forward to is that I have to drink that darn fiber drink on days 8-10... guess I will make sure that we have orange juice in the fridge.  Bye y'all !

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